Did you know that House of the Miyaks ethno-restaurant uses its income to help low-income
The town of Ohrid The Republic of North Macedonia is the last wilderness in Europe,
The combination of love and tradition delighted the guests at the extraordinary wedding of Nikola
House of the Miyaks ethno-restaurant wins Booking.com’s highest recognition The big news was announced by
Изложени 11 носии и два примерока на горни делови на облека, која се носела во 19 и 20 век во населени места каде што живееле Мијаците. Изложбата ќе биде отворена во текот на целото лето. Во галеријата на манастирот „Свети
The combination of love and tradition delighted the guests at the extraordinary wedding of Nikola
House of the Miyaks ethno-restaurant wins Booking.com’s highest recognition The big news was announced by
Во присниот и музејски амбиент на етно-ресторанот „Куќа на Мијаците“, крај прекрасната Радика, денес, во
Во пресрет на големата манастирска слава, денес Неговото Високопреосвештенство, Митрополитот Дебарско-кичевски г. Тимотеј, во сослужение
Did you know that House of the Miyaks ethno-restaurant uses its income to help low-income
The town of Ohrid The Republic of North Macedonia is the last wilderness in Europe,
Понеделнички Кајак.мк ви ја претставува "Куќа на Мијаците" во Ростуше која не е обичен етно-ресторан и хотел,
Изложени 11 носии и два примерока на горни делови на облека, која се носела во
„Куќата на Мијаците“ е еден прекрасен украс во долината на бистрата Радика, украс толку хармонично
House of the Miyaks ethno-restaurant wins Booking.com’s highest recognition The big news was announced by
“House of the Miyaks” or “Bigorski Anovi” is the first ethno-restaurant built by Bigorski Monastery,
A three-bed room suitable for a family with a private bathroom, with a primary view of the Radika River and the peaks of Deshat Mountain – Krcin and the smaller peaks as well as the bosoms of the Duf waterfalls.
A double room suitable for a married couple with a private bathroom with a view of the Krcin peak and the smaller peaks of the Deshat mountains, as well as a view of the Radika river.
A three-bed room suitable for a family with a private bathroom, with a view of the peaks of Deshat Mountain – Krcin and the smaller peaks as well as the bosom of the Duf waterfalls.
A double room suitable for a married couple with a private bathroom, hidden in the bosom of Bistra Mountain below the Bigorski Monastery.
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