A magical place
Torange – United Kingdom
★★★★★★★★★★ 10/10
Stunning location, amazing staff and beautiful place. We will go again and stay longer
The first restaurant and museum of Miyak culture in the spirit of traditional Miyak architecture
An architectually captivating building, built of stone, completely in the spirit of traditional Miyak culture.
A memorial to the Miyak's glorious past.
It is believed that the Mijaci, a renowned Slavic-Macedonian tribe, came from an old royal or noble family.
Nourished by the pure waters of the Orthodox Christian faith, the Miyaks left a great and lasting mark on the spiritual culture of the Macedonian people, which, in turn, had a strong impact on our material culture as well.
Throughout the time, and even today, the beautiful Miyaks architecture, the unique aristocratic Miyak folk costumes, the glamorous folk miyak’s tradions… continue to impress and inspire…
And one cannot avoid to mention the traditional Miyaks food, recognised for it’s gourmand refined taste.
Taste traditional Miyak cuisine
Двокреветна соба погодна за брачен пар со приватна бања, скриена во пазувите на планината Бистра под Бигорскиот Манастир.
Трокреветна соба погодна за фамилија со приватна бања, со поглед кон врвовите на Дешат планина – Крчин и помалите врвови како и пазувите на водопадите Дуф.
Двокреветна соба погодна за брачен пар со приватна бања со поглед кон врвот Крчин и помалите врвови на планита Дешат, како и поглед кон реката Радика.
Трокреветна соба погодна за фамилија со приватна бања, со првичен поглед кон реката Радика и кон врвовите на Дешат планина – Крчин и помалите врвови како и пазувите на водопадите Дуф.
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Ethno restaurant
The House of the Miyaks
Mavrovo and Rostushe, 1254
Republic of Northern Macedonia
By car:
Skopje:113 km.
Ohird: 85 km.
Struga: 71.6 km.
Mavrovo: 29.9 km.
Debar: 19.5 km.
+389 070 378 333
+389 071 317 443
e-mail: contact@kukjanamijacite.mk
Check-in 14:00 22:00
Check-out 10:00 10:30
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Ethno restaurant
The House of the Miyaks
Mavrovo and Rostushe, 1254
Republic of Northern Macedonia
By car:
Skopje:113 km.
Ohird: 85 km.
Struga: 71.6 km.
Mavrovo: 29.9 km.
Debar: 19.5 km.
+389 070 378 333
+389 071 317 443
e-mail: contact@kukjanamijacite.mk
Now open
Check-in 14:00 22:00
Check-out 10:00 10:30
Copyright © House of the Miyaks, All rights reserved